It’s not too late to join the Take Action for Suicide Prevention Challenge. To get started review this attached flyer and download the challenge card!
Daily Challenge #3: Complete a wellness activity.
Wellness is an active process through which people become aware of, and make choices toward, a more successful existence. Wellness has many dimensions, including physical and emotional health, social interactions and connectedness with others, intellectual pursuits, spiritual practices and beliefs, and activities that provide a sense of meaning and purpose. People of all ages benefit from some common tenets of wellness, but the specific ways to achieve it change across the lifespan.
Download the Take Action for Mental Health Wellness Notebook for Adults or the Mental Health Thrival Kit for youth and complete one of the journaling prompts, coloring pages, self-care practices, or breathing techniques.
Find activities, resources and more in the Suicide Prevention Week Activation Kit.
Connect with thousands throughout the country during Suicide Prevention Week by using the hashtags #SuicidePrevention #takeaction4MH