Happy Saturday, DVC Families,
We had another week of engaging learning all over campus! Some highlights included the outdoor lab in Mr. Einstein’s 9th grade Physics class and the gallery walk in Mr. Watson’s Graphic Communications class. We also got everything set up for FLEX Block, a new structure to help students get the support or enrichment they need in order to thrive in their classes. We are excited that Week 5 begins our official launch of FLEX Block!
Please note that students do not have school on Friday, September 17th due to professional development for staff. During our professional development time, the staff will be focusing on creating visual supports to be displayed on our classroom walls.
A few updates:
School Site Council: The results are in! Parents and guardians have voted and selected the following parents to represent DVC on the School Site Council for the 2021-2022 school year: Arleen Romero, Liza Somilleda, and Desiree Saddler. Our first meeting will be on Wednesday, September 15, 2021 at 4:30pm via zoom (link here). All are welcome to attend the meeting, and the first five minutes of the meeting are reserved for public comment.
Supplies & “Homebooks”: We know that many of you have been patiently waiting for school supplies to arrive as well as “homebooks” (i.e. a chromebook for home use) to be distributed. We are pleased to announce that all school supplies have arrived and we have begun distributing those to students who have requested them. We also just received a new shipment of chromebooks, so this will enable us to issue “homebooks” to students this week and next. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we were dealing with shipping delays.
Club Fair: We are excited to host our annual club fair on Thursday, 9/16 during Tuesday/Thursday seminar. All club leaders will be notified next week of their club’s status so they can prepare for the upcoming fair. Please encourage your students to sign up for at least one club at DVC! It’s a great way to get involved and make new friends.
National Hispanic Heritage Month: We are excited to celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month starting on Wednesday, September 15th!
Please see the weekly schedule on this post and also at tinyurl.com/dvcwebsite.
Wishing for a healthy and happy weekend for you and your family,
Erin D’Souza