Dear DVC Students and Families,
We want to start with a heartfelt thank you to our families, students, staff and community for the outpouring of support this week for those affected by the LA County fires. Thanks to DV community efforts, in collaboration with Pass it Forward and numerous community groups, over 2000 meals have been donated to firefighters, wildfire victims, volunteers and more.
If you are a DVC family who has been personally affected by the fires, please reach out to us as soon as possible so that we can offer support and resources. The health and safety of our students is our top priority. If you or someone you know is in need of resources at this time, please feel free to share this resource list.
No School on Monday, 1/20: There is no school on Monday, January 20th, in honor of Martin Luther King Holiday. We are grateful for his pivotal role in the civil rights movement and his legacy for equality, justice, and nonviolence.
Tutoring for Semester 2: We are pleased to expand our after school tutoring program to 3 days per week! There is free drop-in tutoring (no sign-up needed) available in Mr. Albans’s room (3401) on the following dates and times:
- Tuesdays, 3:35 – 4:30
- Wednesdays, 2:30 – 4:30
- Thursdays, 3:35 – 4:30
Seminar Change Requests: Students, if you would like to request a change to your seminar classes, please fill out this form: Schedule Change Request Form All requests must be submitted by Friday, 1/24 at 4pm. You are required to attend the classes you are assigned until you are given a new schedule by school staff. As always, we will do our best to accommodate as many requests as possible, but not all requests can be honored. Please note that the form is only accessible by students through their DV google account.
Da Vinci Schools Surveys: We value your voice and input. Parents/guardians and students, you should have received an email from Kelvin Education during the first week of November with a survey link to provide feedback. Please look in your inbox for “Kelvin Education” to complete the survey. Thank you for taking the time to provide this valuable feedback. Surveys close on January 31st.
FAFSA Friday Workshops for Senior Families: Da Vinci Schools is excited to offer practical, hands-on FAFSA workshops to our senior families. See more information about the workshop on this post on our blog. This will be held on the DV Communications (DVC) floor in Room 3203 and is open to all Da Vinci Schools senior families. Participants should register here for ONE of the following dates as all workshops will cover the same material.
- Friday, February 7th, 2025 (6-7:30 p.m.)
Here’s what’s coming up THIS WEEK and beyond:
- Monday, 1/20: No School – MLK Jr. Day
- Thursday, 1/23: Awards CD
- Monday, 1/27 – Friday, 1/31: Neurodiversity Celebration Week
- Wednesday, 1/29: Computer Science Field Trip (9th & 11th)
- Wednesday, 1/29: Reagan Library Field Trip (12th)
- Monday, 2/3: Cal Poly Pomona / LMU Field Trip (11th)
- Thursday, 2/6: USC Field Trip (11th)
- Friday, 2/7: No School – Professional Development
Please use these links for easy access to school information:
- *NEW LINK* DVC Announcements Deck:
- DVC Blog:
- DVC Monthly Calendar:
- DVC Weekly Schedules:
- DVC Staff List:
- DVC Clubs:
- DVC Incident Reporting Form:
- DVC Health Resources: @dvhealth | Linktree
- PowerSchool Login Page:
- Canvas Login Page:
- Canvas Help Website:
- Join “DVC Families” on Facebook!
- Follow us on Instagram! @dvchighschool @dvccounselors @dvc.leadership