Exhibition Night is less than 3 weeks away! This week we begin preparations for an engaging, project-based showcase from our 10th and 12th grade students. Please mark your calendars for Wednesday, April 9th from 5:30pm – 7:00pm. All DVC students are expected to attend, we hope to see lots of families at this awesome event.
Yearbook Information: This year’s yearbook is bigger and better than ever, with more pages, larger pictures, and increased coverage of clubs and sports to showcase our diverse school community. Don’t miss out – purchase your yearbook today at this link: Da Vinci Communications Yearbook – Purchase it here!
The SAT Test @ DVC on Wednesday, 3/26 (11th Grade): Our 11th grade students will take the SAT on Wednesday, March 26th! DVC is covering the cost of the test for 11th grade students. Though not all 4-year colleges require SAT scores for admission, there are still many colleges and scholarships that require the submission of SAT or ACT scores. On Wednesday, students should bring the following; a snack/drink for their break, an approved calculator (phone calculators not acceptable), and pencils (No. 2 required). If you have questions about the test administration, please contact Andrew Daramola, Assistant Principal (adaramola@davincischools.org).
Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting on Tuesday, 4/1: All are welcome to attend our Parent Advisory Committee Meetings! The agenda for the next meeting is as follows:
- Public Comment
- WASC Follow Up
- LCAP: Goal 1, 2, and 3 Review
- Meeting Reflection (Plus / Delta)
Here’s what’s coming up THIS WEEK and beyond:
- Monday, 3/24: Photography Seminar Field Trip
- Wednesday, 3/26: SAT (11th Grade)
- Thursday, 3/27: Media Production Field Trip to Warner Brothers Studio (11th)
- Friday, 3/28: CD
- Friday, 3/28: Davincilandia Event hosted by Latino Student Union
- Monday, 3/31: No School – Holiday – César Chávez Day
- Tuesday, 4/1: PAC Meeting @ 5pm – 201 N. Douglas or via zoom (link here)
- Friday, 4/4: El Camino College Trip (12th)
- Monday, 4/7: CA Science Test (CAST) Begins (11th grade)
- Wednesday, 4/9: Exhibition Night @ 5:30pm
- Friday, 4/11: College Trip (9th) & Anatomy Field Trip (11th)
- Monday, 4/14 – Friday, 4/18: Spring Break
- Monday, 4/21: Community Learning Day
Please use these links for easy access to school information:
- DVC Announcements Deck: tinyurl.com/dvc-announcements-spring2025
- DVC Blog: dvc.davincischools.org
- DVC Monthly Calendar: tinyurl.com/DVCcalendar24-25
- DVC Weekly Schedules: tinyurl.com/weekly-schedules24-25
- DVC Staff List: tinyurl.com/dvc-staff-emails
- DVC Clubs: tinyurl.com/DVC-clubs-2425
- DVC Incident Reporting Form: tinyurl.com/dvc-incident-report
- DVC Health Resources: @dvhealth | Linktree
- PowerSchool Login Page: davincischools.powerschool.com/public
- Canvas Login Page: davincischools.instructure.com
- Canvas Help Website: tinyurl.com/dv-parent-canvas-help
- Join “DVC Families” on Facebook!
- Follow us on Instagram! @dvchighschool @dvccounselors @dvc.leadership