Thank you for coming to campus for Student-Led Conferences last week! We loved meeting with you and would appreciate hearing your thoughts about the experience: SLC Feedback Form for Parents & Guardians
WASC Accreditation Visit begins on Monday, 3/10: We are excited to welcome a visiting committee of four educators from California high schools to review and evaluate our amazing high school! Here’s a short video that students were shown during Advisory on Friday to give a basic idea of the purpose of the visit and what to expect. We welcome parents and guardians to share their experience at DVC at our Parent Advisory Committee Meeting on Tuesday, 3/11 at 5pm in-person or on zoom. The committee would love to hear from you!
11th Grade State Testing begins on Monday, 3/17 (11th Grade): Our 11th grade students will begin state testing in English-Language Arts soon. The testing will be done during their classes, with minimal disruption to the daily schedule. Please click the link for more information about each assessment.
- California English-Language Arts Test (CAASPP-ELA) & California Mathematics Test (CAASPP- Math) Parent Information
- California Science Test (CAST) Parent Information
- California Alternate Assessment (CAA) Parent Information
Summer Plans: If you’re looking for awesome summer opportunities that help promote college and career readiness, please check out these resources: Spring and Summer Opportunities – Real World Learning. Students are invited to join a Canvas course called “Real World Learning Opportunities” where regular announcements are made about opportunities at Da Vinci and beyond. Ask students if they’ve accepted the invitation to join this course so that they see all the opportunities as they come up.
Restorative Detention: We are implementing a system for all students to take accountability for their class attendance, specifically working to reduce the number of tardies and potential classroom avoidance behaviors at DVC. Each week, we will review attendance records for students who have been tardy (unexcused) three or more times or have skipped class at least once between Monday and Friday. The data collected last week (3/3 – 3/7) will be used to inform who is assigned detention on Wednesday, 3/12. For any questions or concerns, please contact Andrew Daramola, Assistant Principal, at
FLEX Block Attendance: This is a friendly reminder to ensure your student signs up for FLEX Block in SmartPass. FLEX Block will be held this week on Tuesday, 3/11, Wednesday, 3/12 and Thursday, 3/13. Teachers will be taking attendance, and FLEX Block attendance will be recorded in PowerSchool. It is important that students attend the session they signed up for. If a student does not sign up or is marked absent due to being in the wrong FLEX Block, an attendance notification email and call will be sent. Thank you for your support in helping your student stay on track!
Wednesday Snacks for DVC Staff: We are thankful to the families who have provided us with snacks or treats for our meetings on Wednesdays. If you have already contributed this academic year, please do not sign up again. If you haven’t done this yet but you’re willing and able to help out in this way, please sign up here: Wednesday Snack Sign Up
Here’s what’s coming up THIS WEEK and beyond:
- Monday, 3/10: WASC Visit Begins & Journalism 1 Field Trip
- Tuesday, 3/11: PAC Meeting with WASC Visiting Team @ 5pm – 201 N. Douglas or via zoom (link here)
- Tuesday, 3/11: Journalism 1 Field Trip
- Friday, 3/14: No School – Professional Development
- Monday, 3/17: CAASPP English-Language Arts Testing Begins (11th Grade – during English classes)
- Wednesday, 3/19: CS Pathway Juniors and CS Freshman AR Workshop @ Snapchat
- Friday, 3/21: Media Production Field Trip
- Monday, 3/24: Photography Seminar Field Trip
- Wednesday, 3/26: SAT (11th Grade)
Please use these links for easy access to school information:
- DVC Announcements Deck:
- DVC Blog:
- DVC Monthly Calendar:
- DVC Weekly Schedules:
- DVC Staff List:
- DVC Clubs:
- DVC Incident Reporting Form:
- DVC Health Resources: @dvhealth | Linktree
- PowerSchool Login Page:
- Canvas Login Page:
- Canvas Help Website:
- Join “DVC Families” on Facebook!
- Follow us on Instagram! @dvchighschool @dvccounselors @dvc.leadership